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DEL Time: 03:36
Request For: College All Sports
Request Title: Invite Scholarship Autopopulation
Description When a team has no scholarships to give, the scholarship checkbox in inviting should not be auto-populated to giving a scholarship.
Category: Enhancement
Status: Completed (last updated Nov 26 12:41:01 2022
Priority: Short Term
Admin Notes Updated the invitation controls to not auto-check the "scholarship" option if a team has no scholarships to offer.
Submitted Jun 15 10:33:25 2021
by Andy Dolphin
Coaches In Favor of Change: Andy Dolphin, Jeff Blevins, Stephen Thompson, Loren Smith, John Henry, Pythagoras A, Coach Clipboard, Captain Morgan
Coaches Opposed to Change: none
Coach Clipboard (Sep 13 16:23:42 2021
): What if there was one button each on top for "extra point" and "offer scholarship" that checked/unchecked all players
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